Molly Ephraim measurements, bio, height, weight, shoe and bra size
Molly Ephraim has 36 years old. Her birth date was the 22nd of May, 1986. She was raised in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Her family was well established in the Bucks County Playhouse area. From a young age, she has been attracted to the world of entertainment. Her professional development was aided by performance on stage at Prince Music Theater and Bucks County Playhouse. Also, she performed at Arden theater company which is located in Philadelphia. She attended Princeton University and completed her B.A. In 2008, she earned an B.A. in Religious Studies. In 2008, she was a part of The Triangle Club and performed in and choreographed. Then, she became a fan of acting. Nowadays, she's an established actor. Molly has the ability to earn a lot of money by performing in shows which has added to her wealth. Molly Ephraim is primarily paid by Molly to play roles in TV and films. Her earnings have also come from at events. She earns hundreds of dollars per year. The total net worth in the amount of $3.5 million.
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